Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Elimination Day 7 and baby is still breech!

Well today is day 7 of elimination and it's going really well! It's not been difficult at all - oh apart from my mum buying me a gluten free cherry and sultana loaf cake yesterday. Luckily, being gluten free it will keep for about 3 months in it's packaging so it's in the cupboard for the end of elimination, when the baby is born!

My gorgeous man made me some gluten free bread at the weekend so this time round I'm not desperate for carbs in the morning. I found it quite tough last time around as I can't have oats and porridge made with millet and rice is disgusting without milk. It literally looks and tastes like cardboard, or gruel (and I'm no Oliver Twist!).

Generally for lunch I have fried eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, or an omlette, or leftovers from the night before. Dinner has been the same as usual as we always cook from scratch, so last night was lamb chops, mashed potato, broccoli, mushrooms peas and parsnips. Tonight is roast chicken with loads of veggies and mashed potato leftover from last night (we cooked way too much!).

I've been piling up on berries and live greek yoghurt for my snacks and I love it!

Went to the gym this morning and started to add in lots of hip rotator exercises to encourage my boy to turn round. I did lots of downdogs, figure 8's on the swiss ball and pelvic tilts, but he still refuses to budge!!

I'll keep you posted!

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