Monday, March 23, 2009

Pregnancy: Your Questions Answered!

The reason I decided to take my knowledge online was because when I fell pregnant I was at a loss where to begin.

Although I was a fitness professional myself, I found myself sadly dissapointed by the lack of specific, structured advice on health and fitness through pregnancy.

Don't get me wrong, there was loads of information on pregnancy, but it was either all very vague, too medical in nature, or there were a lot of conflicting opinions about. There was no direct guidance that instructed pregnant women on exactly how to achieve the healthiest and fittest pregnancy possible whilst still doing it all safely.

So I find myself writing posts on a weekly basis on things that I experienced during my pregnancy and on topics that friends have asked me about, but it still feels like I am waffling to cyberspace! So I thought about how I could target my posts better to help my pregnant readers with their specific problems.

The answer was staring me in the face - ASK THEM!

So today's post is all about you! What do you want to know about any aspect of your pregnancy health and fitness journey?

It could be nutrition, exercise, relaxation and sleep, hydration... you name it and I will answer it!

Post your questions below and I promise to reply to them all!


Julena said...

What exercise can you do throughout pregnancy? whats the best for each trimester please? Also I heard that you cannot let your heart beat go over 140? Any advice greatly appreciated as I want to stay trim but not do anything that could harm me or baby. Just in the trying to get pregnant stages now. thank you

Trish said...


Have you got any advice on posture during pregnancy please? Im very aware Im beginning to waddle! Im also doing that classic hands on hips, bump out pose and I think my lower back pain could all be linked up to this. Tips would be much appreciated.

