If I was to ask you what your biggest concern is about being pregnant, what would you say?
I'd hazard a guess that complications with your baby would be top of your list, right?
Then, coming a very close second I bet that you're also worried about how much weight you've put on / how fat you're getting, and how difficult it's going to be to lose it after you've had your baby?
Am I pretty close to the mark?
Well, if you're anything like the majority of pregnant women I know then you're not alone! So if I tell you that GETTING FAT is actually a good thing during pregnancy, you're probably thinking that I've finally lost it and the sleep deprivation of having a new baby has finally got to me, right?
...Not yet! Hear me out on this one...
Getting fat during pregnancy can have seriously big results when used correctly and has several major benefits for you and your little one...
1. If, like most of us, you have big plans for your little one and you can see her running for president, discovering life on Mars, or finding a cure for the common cold, then you should know that getting fat is ESSENTIAL in building her brain...
2. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? Were you one of the unlucky ones that had to wear glasses to school as a kid? (that was me BTW!). Well, you definitely want to make sure you pay attention to this one then, because getting fat is responsible for forming your baby's retinas...
3. Maybe sports is your thing? The nervous system determines hand, eye co-ordination, reflexes and quick decision making. Without getting fat your baby's nervous system will not develop properly
4. (Look out for this one - if you thought I'd lost it earlier this may well have you sending me straight to the men in white coats...)
Getting fat can actually reduce your chances of suffering with post-natal depression - that's right I said REDUCE!
5. And last but definitely not least, getting fat will help you lose your baby weight and get a sexy post-baby body in rapid succession!
OK, I'll 'fess up! I'm talking about GOOD FATS! In particular, Omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids should be a primary ingredient in your pregnancy diet for all the reasons listed above.
Omega 3 fatty acids comprise:
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): EPA is found primarily in fish and fish oil.
Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA): DHA is especially important to your body, and is also found primarily in fish.
Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA): ALA is found mostly in seeds, vegetable oils, and leafy green vegetables. It is converted into EPA and then into DHA in your body.
They are also available to take as a supplement, but beware of the quality of some cheaper brands, as they can be polluted with contaminants such as mercury and PCBs. It's definitely worth paying more for pharmaceutical grade products so you can be sure that you and your baby are getting a pure ingredient.
So you see, getting fat during pregnancy is a good thing after all!
For one to one advice on your pregnancy health and for more information on the safest and most effetive way to stay fit and healthy this pregnancy join my free pregnancy community
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