Monday, March 30, 2009

Excess Pregnancy Weight Gain Could be a Sign Your Baby is Malnourished!

Do you find yourself wanting to eat all the time?

Are you eating all the wrong things?

Are you craving sugary, processed foods?

Well you may well be malnourished!

Contrary to popular belief, malnourishment does not mean that you have to be really skinny or starving, like the pictures of the starving kids in Africa. Yes they are malnourished but they are also victims of famine.

Malnourishment simply means that your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to perform properly and support both you and your baby. So although you may be eating a lot of food, you may not be eating the right foods.

Here's a recent blog post by my friend Dax Moy about organic foods that explains why:

"Well, my last post about organic vs non-organic certainly got a reaction.

I have a deluge of emails into my inbox ranging from comments like "About time someone was talking about this!" to "This is utter nonsense. If pesticides were harmful then they wouldn't be allowed to be used on foods. You shouldn't be scaremongering!!" and practically everything in between.

By far the most common reaction though, was more like this:

"I understand and mostly agree with the need to eat cleaner, fresher and less adulterated foods but the truth is, they're more expensive and I just can't afford them as much as I'd like. What am I supposed to do?"

Again, another great question, and one that I'm sure most people ask themselves when it comes to making the decision between non-organic and organic produce, right?

Here's my take on it.

Non organic is cheaper, it's true. The average family and especially those on low incomes can buy around 30-50% more food when bought non-organically than they can if they choose the organic option and so it would seem that whilst organic is an ideal scenario, the practicalities mean that most people simply can't justify coming home with a smaller bag of groceries with hungry mouths to feed.

I get it.

I'm a father of four and before my business took off, I was on a low income and felt the same way. I couldn't justify organic foods because of the costs.

Then, over time I started to see things differently.

I noticed that my non-organic shopping, whilst greater in quantity, always seemed to leave my family hungry. They always wanted more. Bigger servings, more snacks in between and practically non-stop cravings for more food.

By contrast, when my family ate organic, they ate smaller portions, less frequently and they rarely, if ever, complained of hunger or asked for more.

It was then that it hit me, truly for the first time ever.

The most important nutritional truth.

Ready for it?

It'll change your life (if you let it!)

Here it is.

Your body doesn't know 'food', all it knows is nutrients.

Bear with me because I know that it probably doesn't sound that amazing as you read it at your PC but it really is.

You see, we get hung up on food all the time. We get hung up on calories, portion sizes, meal frequencies and all manner of things but none of that is anywhere near as important as the nutrients within the things we eat.

Your body just knows that it is running out of certain nutrients.

"Vitamin B6 is getting low" it says and so you get a 'feed me' signal to eat and (hopefully) stock up on the missing vitamin.

"Calcium is running out" it says and again, you get a 'feed me' signal to eat and stock up on some calcium.

It's that straight forward, that simple... and that complex : )

So, when you eat denatured and nutrient poor foods, either because they've been chemically altered or over-processed, your body breaks them down, looks for the nutrients it needs and, if they're not there (which they won't be), simply commands you to eat again so that it can get what it needs.

It's got nothing to do with calories.

You might have already eaten your recommended daily amount of calories but still be lacking nutrients and so you'll be commanded to eat again, and again, and again.

This is not hunger. This is malnutrition.

The truth is hard to believe, but the fact is, many of us are malnourished!

But it's not all bad news, because the reverse is also true.

If you eat a diet that is replete with the nutrients your body requires then you eat less. You eat when your body needs a new supply of nutrients. You stop snacking, you stop feeling hungry all the time and you stop throwing excess calories into your body for no reason.

What's this got to do with where the conversation started; the cost of organic vs non-organic?

It's pretty simple really.

When you eat non-processed (including chemical processes) foods, you're getting the maximum available nutrition from everything you eat. Because of this, you simply eat less and less often.

What I'm saying here is that you don't have to buy nearly as much organic food as you do non-organic to get your nutritients so it's not more expensive to eat this way at all.

In fact, you may even find, like my family did, that it's cheaper to eat organically than non-organically because you buy much less of the usual rubbish that most families consume on a weekly basis."

So what do you think? It makes sense right? Especially in pregnancy, when your body is desparate for high quality nutrition!

So if you do find your pregnancy weight gain spiralling out of control and your food cravings going through the roof, why not take control back right here and now! Try eating clean and organic for the next 10 days and see how different you feel.

I'm betting your energy levels go through the roof, your weight gain will start to regulate and you'll feel a lot better and happier about yourself once you know you're not going to turn into something that looks more like the marshmallow man than a beautiful pregnant woman!

P.S. Please don't be afraid to leave your comments below! I always love to hear what you're thinking, as it's you that counts!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Your Pregnancy Questions Answered: Why the 140BPM Heart Rate Rule is Downright Dangerous In Pregnancy!

You may have heard or read that the best way to monitor the intensity of your workout in pregnancy is to keep your heart rate at 140 beats per minute or less, but how would you feel if I told you that this practice would at best give you an ineffective workout and at worst put you at risk of high-blood pressure, fainting and overheating?

The rule of sticking to 140 BPM is an outdated measure of monitoring exercise intensity during pregnancy. Here's why...

Heart rate during pregnancy is not an accurate measure of how hard the body is working because the relationship between heart rate and exercise intensity varies greatly from early pregnancy to mid-pregnancy to late pregnancy. Changes in exercise parameters, duration of session, the type of exercise, how hard it feels, the vascular system, oxygen consumption and fetal heart rate response, all impact what the target heart rate should be.

So, by example, very fit women in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy will struggle to get their heart rate up to the target 140BPM without working very, very hard. Therefore, prescribing a standard target heart rate formula as a safety measure is unwise.

So, how should you monitor your workout?

The best and safest measure by far is the BORG Rating Of Perceived Exertion Scale. This scale measures how hard YOU PERCEIVE YOU ARE WORKING and is therefore subjective and responsive to your state of wellbeing on any given day.

The BORG Scale runs from 1-10 with 1 being no exertion whatsoever to 10 being working flat-out at 100% intensity.

Pregnant women should be exercising at between 5 and 7 on the scale, with 7 being "working somewhat hard".

For a full copy of the scale visit BORG SCALE FOR PREGNANCY and scroll down. The document link is on the left hand side of the page.

For your chance to have your pregnancy health and fitness questions answered, post your comment on my blog, or email me at

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Your Pregnancy Questions Answered: What's the best exercise you can do throughout pregnancy?

"Hi Nisha, what exercise can you do throughout pregnancy? whats the best for each trimester please? Also I heard that you cannot let your heart beat go over 140? Any advice greatly appreciated as I want to stay trim but not do anything that could harm me or baby. Just in the trying to get pregnant stages now. thank you"

Thanks Julena for this great question!

This is a common concern for pregnant mums, especially for those who are in the delicate first trimester of pregnancy. You want to stay trim and in shape, yet the last thing you want to do is take the risk of harming your baby. It's hard to know just how much activity is safe so a lot of newly pregnant mums err on the side of caution and stop doing exercise altogether. The thing is, this can do more harm than good...

Stopping all activity during pregnancy can slow down your metabolism and lead to a build up of fat. This in turn can affect your hormonal balance as roughly 30% of oestrogen comes from fat cells. If you are trying to conceive, (like Julena), this hormonal disruption will greatly reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

If you are already pregnant, excess fat can add a serious risk factor to your pregnancy, increasing chances of pre-eclampsia, and fetal birth defects.

So what is the most effective way to stay in shape and maintain the healthiest pregnancy possible whilst exercising safely?

Resistance Training!

Now you don't need to be lifting heavy weights - in fact one of the most effective forms of resistance training for pregnancy is body weight exercises. After all, you should always be able to move and carry your own body weight safely and effectively without causing yourself injury, right?

To make sure you are exercising safely but still getting the most out of your workout, stick to simple exercises that mimic everyday movement, such as squats, rows, presses and overhead lifts.

For early pregnancy and for those who are new to exercise, choose up to 6 exercises and either string them together in a circuit fashion and repeat 2-3 times.

If you are used to training and have been exercising regularly for at least 6 months prior to getting pregnant try pairing up the exercises and performing them as a superset. Repeat each superset 2-3 times before moving onto the next couplet.

Either way, your workout should take you no more than 15 minutes to complete.

If you are exercising smartly, 15 minutes is plenty of time to get a good workout so the bonus to you is that you no longer need to spend long boring sessions slogging it out on the treadmill!

The great news is that all of these exercises can be adapted for each trimester. Not only that but as your pregnancy progresses you will be adding your own overload to your workout from your increasing body weight!

I hope this answers some of your concerns about exercising in pregnancy. Look out for my next post where I'll be giving you a video workout that you can do along with me, with some of the best exercises to support your pregnant body and banish back pain and other common pregnancy aches and pains.

Until then, stay sexy, self-confident and superfit!


P.S. If you want your pregnancy questions answered just post your comment in Pregnancy Questions Answered

For access to more articles, videos and other resources on pregnancy fitness join my pregnancy community at

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pregnancy: Your Questions Answered!

The reason I decided to take my knowledge online was because when I fell pregnant I was at a loss where to begin.

Although I was a fitness professional myself, I found myself sadly dissapointed by the lack of specific, structured advice on health and fitness through pregnancy.

Don't get me wrong, there was loads of information on pregnancy, but it was either all very vague, too medical in nature, or there were a lot of conflicting opinions about. There was no direct guidance that instructed pregnant women on exactly how to achieve the healthiest and fittest pregnancy possible whilst still doing it all safely.

So I find myself writing posts on a weekly basis on things that I experienced during my pregnancy and on topics that friends have asked me about, but it still feels like I am waffling to cyberspace! So I thought about how I could target my posts better to help my pregnant readers with their specific problems.

The answer was staring me in the face - ASK THEM!

So today's post is all about you! What do you want to know about any aspect of your pregnancy health and fitness journey?

It could be nutrition, exercise, relaxation and sleep, hydration... you name it and I will answer it!

Post your questions below and I promise to reply to them all!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Could Your Man Handle Pregnancy?

Check out this video on what men think the worst thing about pregnancy is! Seems like they really don't know the half of it as most of them think that nausea is about as bad as it gets!

What about the guy who thinks it's his perfect life of eating whatever he wants, sleeping a lot and then tells his wife that her butt got fat?! LOL!

If only it were that simple huh?

Although I loved being pregnant, there were definitely some aspects that I didn't enjoy so much, like Round Ligament Pain, which I suffered badly with. The timing was rubbish too as it fell across my holiday to Ibiza for my friends wedding - I spent the whole two weeks in so much pain, I could hardly even walk!

My boyfriend thought I was making it up and got really fed up with me taking such a long time to walk anywhere! If only he could have spent 1 day in my body he would have realised how bad it actually was!

What about you?

What are you finding a struggle in your pregnancy and think your man couldn't handle?

Post your comments below and I promise to get you an answer to your problem!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Top 5 Pregnancy Superfoods

This last week has been a bit of a nightmare for me. River has not been himself and has been constantly upset, refusing to eat and getting up every 2 hours at night then refusing to go back to sleep! As a result, my nutrition has gone a bit haywire - I'm not eating badly, (I'm still on elimination), but rather I'm hardly eating at all as I just haven't had time!

Which got me to thinking, we all know how important it is to eat a nutritionally supportive diet through pregnancy and beyond, but sometimes this is easier said than done!

Thinking back to my pregnancy, I had my fair share of morning sickness in the first trimester and then heartburn and sickness in the last trimester. Not only that but I found as my bump started to get big, I had no room for food - I would be full after just a few mouthfuls as the baby had taken over my body! So to make sure I was getting all the vital nutrients that I needed for both River's development and my glowing health, I would try and make the most of the food I did manage to eat.

So this week I have tried to do the same thing and I made sure my meals included my Top 5 Pregnancy Superfoods!

1. Leafy Greens - High in Folic Acid, these alternatives to the limp old lettuce leaf will give both you and your baby a spring in your step! Folic acid is essential for the prevention of neural tube defects and spina bifida.

Leafy Greens are also great sources of calcium, magnesium and iron - all essential for baby's healthy development!

Dress them with ginger, coriander, lime juice, garlic and chilli to add a fresh and fragrant taste that will also work wonders for morning sickness!

2. Berries - Bursting with nutrients for you and your little one, berries are bountiful of antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C and folates. Have them with natural live yoghurt and organic wheat free muesli for a Pregnancy brekkie that packs a punch!

3. Oily Fish - Omega 3 is essential for your baby's neurological development and the only way your baby can access this fatty acid is through your diet. Omega 3 is rich in DHA which your baby needs to form his brain and eye tissue. However, mercury can also be present in some oily fish so avoid tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish and shellfish.

Try and go for 2-3 portions of salmon, herring, sardines or mackerel every week.

4. Natural Live Yoghurt - Rich in calcium and good bacteria which help aid digestion. The friendly bacteria in live yoghurt restore the healthy balance in your bowel and intestine and also prevent outbreaks of thrush or candida.

Try using it as a basis for a breakfast smoothie, or layered with strawberries, mint and agave syrup for a decadent dessert!

5. Eggs - My favourite pregnancy superfood! (and they are great for new mums who have zero time to prepare nutritious lunchtime meals!:0) )

Protein is the building blocks of life and eggs are one of the best sources of a complete protein. They are also packed with vitamin D, vitamin A and B12 (folic acid).

Scrambled eggs with salmon and chives on wheat free toast makes a great Sunday brunch!

(Eggs in pregnancy should be cooked through properly to avoid any risk of food poisoning)

What about you? What are your favourite shortcuts to a healthy pregnancy diet? Any suggestions would be gladly received by a time-starved new mum!

For more tips on pregnancy nutrition and what NOT to eat visit my free community at The 9 Month Club