You know one of the hardest things about getting your exercise in when you're pregnant is just finding the time and motivation to do it.
Once you actually get to the gym and make a start it's not that bad, but sometimes it's just the thought of having to pack your workout gear as well as everything else you have to remember for the day, plus find the motivation to do it after a long day at work, that scuppers all your good intentions.
Don't worry, you're not alone! Even I found I had days like this when I was pregnant and I'm a personal trainer and coach by trade!
So to make your day just a little bit easier I've put together a simple workout for you that will work all those wobbly bits in just 5 minutes! You don't even need to get changed!
Exercise 1Step Ups - Find some stairs or a step that is of a reasonably challenging height ( about 12 inches off the floor is about right).
If you are feeling unsteady use something for support - like the stair rail or a friends shoulder!
Starting on the left leg, place your whole foot on top of the step and push through the heel and buttock to lift your body up onto the step.
Step back with the left leg and lower yourself back down as slowly and controlled as possible. Repeat 5 times then switch legs.
Exercise 2Stick Ups - Find a wall to lean against. Stand against it so that your head, bottom and feet are touching. Squeeze your bottom down hard so that you bring your pelvis into a neutral position.
Now bring up your arms so that you are standing with your elbows in line with your ribs and the backs of your hands touching the wall behind you, palms facing forwards (imagine someone has a gun pointed at you and has told you to stick 'em up!).
Starting on your right, maintain contact with the wall as you slide your arm up to an extended position, pushing your arm up as high as it will go, but keeping your postural alignment.
Now exhale as you bring the arm back dow and resist a little as you work. Repeat on the other side and work up to a set of 10 each side.
Exercise 3Squats
Stand with your feet just wider than hip distance and with your feet turned out to 45 degrees.
Tip the weight back into your heel and stick out your bottom and your chest.
Now slowly and with control sit back and lower your body into a sitting position.
Squeeze your pelvic floor and your bottom as your push yourself back up to stanidng, remembering to bring your hips all the way through at the top.
Repeat for 10.
Exercise 4Flutters
Standing with your feet under your hips and your bottom squeezed down, bring up your arms to shoulder height with palms facing forwards. (As if you are making a T shape).
Tuck your chin back (like you're making a double chin). Now using the muscles that sit between your shoulder blades, squeeze your shoulders back and together, as if pinching a pencil between your shoulder blades.
Repeat for 20
Exercise 5Transverse Squeezes
Either sitting or on all fours, take a long deep breath and let your belly expanda s it fills with air.
Now as you exhale from the pit of your stomach pull the belly button back to your spine and hold for a count of 10. (DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH!).
Take a big inhale and fill up with air again to release.
Repeat for 10.
OK? All done?
Great, have a wonderful day!
P.S. Remember if there's anything you would like to see here on my blog or you have any questions about how to stay fit and healthy through your pregnancy, then just post your comment at the end of my blog!